Human Capital
We uphold our employee value proposition to be an employer of choice, fostering meaningful engagement with the individuals we attract and retain for the long-term sustainability of our business. Our values and culture form the bedrock for behaviours, mindset, and philosophy, providing our employees with a strong sense of belonging in the workplace. Through various initiatives, we consistently embed our values and culture, ensuring ongoing alignment with our organisational purpose and strategic objectives.
Talent Management
Our employees enable us to address the diverse needs and priorities of our stakeholders. They serve as ambassadors of RBH, influencing our reputation and enabling us to deliver on our mandate and fulfil our responsibilities as a responsible corporate citizen.
We foster a culture of excellence, urging our employees to uphold high standards of performance that align with our mandate, strategic objectives and organisational culture. To gauge employee effectiveness, we conduct assessments encompassing both performance and values-based behaviour. This approach aims to align individual performance standards and expectations with our strategic business objectives, as outlined in our corporate scorecard.
Employee Wellness
We believe that maintaining good health and wellbeing is crucial for our employees. Our overarching goal is to support them in managing stress, fostering healthy relationships and achieving optimal productivity. We have implemented diverse wellness initiatives to address these facets, ensuring a holistic approach to wellbeing.
RBH provides an enabling environment for a progressive career trajectory and a deepened appreciation for the work we do for our community.
Our values and culture form the bedrock for behaviours, mindset, and philosophy, providing our employees with a strong sense of belonging in the workplace.
Our selection criteria is centred around ensuring that we employ the right people who will positively contribute and enable the advancement of the mandate that we have been entrusted with.
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